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week 34 milestones

benig just hit his gestational age of 35 weeks on friday.  a look back at week 34:

  • benig hit 2200 grams (4 lbs, 13 oz).
  • benig got taken off the caffeine he was taking to prevent apnea spells
  • benig learned how to drink from a bottle

mom and dad also crossed the refrigeration rubicon: we had to purchase a 7 cubic foot chest freezer to store all of the milk mom’s been pumping out.

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3 Responses to “week 34 milestones”

  1. on 18 Sep 2011 at 9:19 pm Jennie

    That last photo is awesome: it captures Christina’s expression so perfectly, one that I read as a realization that “I am a milk producing machine…”

  2. on 19 Sep 2011 at 3:04 am tita anna

    benigs! i’m so proud of you! especially, for underhandedly making your parents buy a separate freezer, which will store all your milk now, BUT shall also hold your 7 cubic feet of ice cream and ralph’s in the future!!! i hope you will share with me. =)

  3. on 21 Sep 2011 at 5:36 am tita steph

    i like his pensive pose with the hand on the face

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