Benig’s First Camping Trip
July 14th, 2012 by nanay
Benig enjoyed his first camping trip! Â We decided to take him to Grape Island, one of the Boston Harbor Islands in Boston Harbor. Â In retrospect, we realize that camping on an ISLAND was particularly risky- there was no way out if he flipped out. Â But like good first time parents, we went without thinking, and like most other times, we didn’t pay the price since he enjoyed himself so much.
Highlights include playing (with the) frisbee on the rocky beach,
napping after having a smore (as evidenced by the streak of chocolate above his lip),
enjoying the campfire on the beach,
doing some tummy time at the campsite,
and even having the time to play the ukelele.
Who knew Benig would like camping so much?
Nanay, Tatay, and Benig are contemplating the possible (and further not-so-well-thought-out) adventures that have opened up with this startling revelation!