I Think Benig Gets Seasick
August 10th, 2012 by nanay
Looks like motion sickness got passed on in the genes. Lawrence and I took Benig on a canoeing trip around the Charles River a couple of weekends ago.
Benig started the trip crying, so we fed him a bottle immediately thinking he was crying because he was hungry.
He then had moments where he even smiled.
But unfortunately, for most of the trip, he looked like this.
We couldn’t tell if he was unhappy about experiencing something new/scary/unexpected, the heat/humidity, the brightness of the surrounding from the sun’s reflection on the Charles, or if he was actually seasick. We have no picture to document it but it turns out he has motion sickness; as soon as we were back on land, he stopped crying and wiped vomit from his mouth onto my shirt. Poor little guy.