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Google Analytics

i’m really disappointed with google analytics. i was quite excited when i initially heard of it being released; i’m tired of statcounter’s small log files. unfortunately, g-analytics’ performance so far has been quite poor: the thing takes forever to log a page load, the website itself loads slowly, and there does not appear to be an obvious way to track where page loads are coming from. yea, i know there’s that map on the bottom left, but it doesn’t really look too useful.

on a related note, this kind of move just screams “dark side.” it’s remarkable how google’s tentacles are slowly slithering all over the web and yet few people appear to be nervous. i mean, they already have de facto control over how you find pages on the web – now they’ll even know who is accessing these pages. then again, they’ve probably already had access to this information already. in any case, this, combined with google’s moves into voip, online classified, maps, shopping, books, video … ok, that’s all i can muster off the top of my head – google appears poised to become really ubiquitous in the coming decade. gives me the willies.

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One Response to “Google Analytics”

  1. on 23 Dec 2009 at 3:32 pm Albert Wang

    Dear Lawrence from four years ago,

    If you think Google’s tentacles extend far then, wait another four years!

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