“macbook” lust
January 11th, 2006 by Lawrence David
drool. what the hell though is up with the name “macbook”? then again, these are the people who got us all sticking “i’s” in front of words for no good reason.
i must admit, the part of the macbook that excites me the most is also the gimmickiest new feature: a magnetically connected powercord that gracefully disengages when people trip over your wall wart. as a bonus, having the powercord magically scoot into the macbook’s power jack makes this laptop a bonafide chick magnet. well, maybe at least here at mit.
ONLY at MIT would that make you a chick magnet.
no firewire 800 though my poor external HD will have to go the slow firewire 400 speed. it does looks rather delicious, im going to wait a couple of hardware revisions first though