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this story out of italy is great:

[Luigi] Cascioli says that for 2,000 years the Roman Catholic Church has been deceiving people by furthering the fable that Christ existed, and says the church has been gaining financially by “impersonating” as Christ someone by the name of John of Gamala, the son of Judas from Gamala.

He also asserts that the Gospels — the most frequently cited testimony of Jesus’ existence — are inconsistent, full of errors and biased, and that other written evidence from the time is scant and doesn’t hold up to scholarly analysis.

Cascioli has even gotten litigious:

Cascioli, a lifelong atheist, claims that Righi violated two Italian laws by making the assertion: so-called “abuse of popular belief” in which someone fraudulently deceives people; and “impersonation” in which someone gains by attributing a false name to someone.

As the article points out, there really is no hope for Cascioli winning the case. Nonetheless, I still find it amusing that Christians will find themselves in a court, forced to defend an ideology
seen as obvious by many, but lacking in definitive proof. Ok, ok that’s a terrible analogy – forget about it with some soma: the Chuck Norris video in my previous post.

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