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Archive for February, 2006

lee lynd talk

i got to meet lee lynd today and see him talk at the mit energy initiative colloquium. he’s one of the big dudes, it seems, in bioenergy. he co-leads a small consortia of government and academic labs aimed at producing energy from biomass (if i recall correctly). he gave a pretty broad, policy-level talk on […]

ah, bush

i hope our prez has thought this energy thing through. then again, i really shouldn’t worry, since everything his administration has done so far has been meticulously planned out. Diplomatically, Mr. Bush’s ambitious call for the replacement of 75 percent of the United States’ Mideast oil imports with ethanol and other energy sources by 2025 […]

european free speech

over the past couple of days, i’ve been trying to follow the fracas surrounding the publication of an inflammatory cartoon over in denmark. it seems that a danish newspaper has managed to offend several hundred million muslims by publishing a caricature of mohammed. this was upsetting for two reasons: 1) muslims consider it blasphemous to […]

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