new server!
March 18th, 2006 by Lawrence David
woohoo, a new server now hosts this site. the computer i had previously been using to serve music, webpages, photos, and files was an old stalwart i built in high school (a 500 MHz P3). to its credit, that machine never broke down.
unfortunately, it’s been starting to show its age lately, especially as i load more and more photos onto it. poor thing was also starting to have ventilation problems.
i finally decided to spring for the new server when i saw how cheap computer components are now. $50 for a motherboard w/ a built-in video, ethernet, and sound card? $100 for a 64-bit athlon processor? for less than the cost of an xbox 360, i could put together a server that, according to this benchmarking tool, would be 10X faster than my previous machine (which cost several xbox 360s back in the day). amazing.
now all i’ve got to do is figure out how to get a 64-bit linux distro running …
yeah but youu’ll be paying out your ass for RAM
(well at least those cost of your mobo+proc)
nah, a gig for $69! unlike some people i know, i don’t need to splurge on crazy-ass ::coughrambusramcough:: memory =)