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poor christina committed one of dating’s cardinal sins tonight: she let her boyfriend cut her hair.

i wore her down with a couple of reasons:

  1. i’ve been cutting my own hair for years (albeit the easiest haircut in the book – the crew cut)
  2. salons are expensive
  3. although i might make a couple of missteps in the beginning, the payoff – a lifetime of free haircuts – will be worth it.
  4. hair-styling runs in my blood. my grandmother’s beauty school put my dad and all his sisters through college.

needless to say, christina didn’t much care for most of these reasons, especially the first half of reason 3. nonetheless, we’re heading down to see friends in new york city tomorrow and she needed a haircut before then. i was the last resort.

emboldened, i convinced her that i could do a “forward-angled bob”, the jennifer aniston-type cut that christina had always fancied. i found the following diagram online; it looked pretty straightforward:

forty-five minutes later, in spite of the fact that i had never given a girl a proper haircut before, a forward-angled bob sat on christina’s head.

in her words, “huh. that actually looks ok.” if that’s not a ringing endorsement, i don’t know what is.

so if this whole phd thing doesn’t work out, looks like hair stylist can go on my list of alternate things to do with my life (joining garbage man, rock star, and tabloid photographer).

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