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the weekend

as usual, we had an eventful weekend. stephanie, my younger and only other sibling, graduated from high school in new york city. i’m really proud of her – she’ll be chemE in the fall at upenn and she won the science medal at her graduation. what more does an older brother / engineer need to warm his heart?

our house was packed for a couple of days, with relatives from california and the philippines. amongst them were my youngest cousins, whom i had hitherto met. i’m quite positive that they are the cutest children i’ve ever seen. even for asian children with bowl haircuts, they were ridiculously cute. obscenely cute even.

i’ve got proof:

stephanie herself looked quite pretty in her graduation / wedding dress. i got a good carrie-esque photo of her in the cathedral her school held its ceremony in:

later, at her graduation party, i was pleasantly surprised to see my cousin francis along with his fiancee, her sister, and another friend of theirs. christina, stephanie, and i all had a good time hanging out with the four of them; they spent the night and we watched a cheesy horror flick. like almost all of my cousins, i only knew francis from when i was about 5-7 years old (much of my extended family shipped off to california in the late 80′s). francis, however, recently moved back to new york a year or two ago and we’ve hung out a couple of times since then.

which has made for some confusing memories: it’s strange to suddenly laugh, drink and joke like friends with someone whom, in the majority of my memories, i regarded as much much older and mature than me (i’m 7 years his junior – that’s quite a bit of time when you’re 5 years old).

it’s also downright disturbing how much francis looks like my father minus 35 years of age:

so as usual, good weekend. except for the part where i screwed up and got christina and myself caught in traffic and subsequently lost, deep in the heart of new jersey, on our way to a 5K race. sadly, we were unable to start the race with all of the other runners.

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