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guten tag!

found a cheap internet cafe and so i thought i’d check in …

sadly, i’m sick as a dog right now. left the windows of our tent open one hot night and slept outside of the sleeping bag. when i woke up at sunrise, it was about 50 degrees and i already had symptoms of the flu. bah. what’s even worse is that i think i’ve transmitted the bug to christina, who’s starting to sport the same sore throat and headache that presaged my cold.

seeing the game today should make us feel a lot better though. the americans will be playing the czechs here in a small german town called gelsenkirchen (soft ch). we’ve been camped on a football field in gelsenkirchen for 4 nights now; we got here extra early to pick up our tickets as well as to secure lodging (by deciding to come to germany at the 11th hour, we were unable to find any hotels over the internet).

fortune has really smiled on us here. not only were we able to find a cheap, relatively clean camp-site, but we were also able to grab phenomenonal seats. it turns out that when we bought our tickets online, we were only buying seats in some undetermined region in the stadium. those seats could have been anywhere from on the field to the last row in the nosebleeds. it turned out that the computer put us in the very front row, right where the penalty area begins (the equivalent of the 20-yard line in american football). insane! my hands were shaking as i signed the receipt for the tickets.

ok, i’ll put an end to this smug-tastic post. auf wiedersehen!

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One Response to “guten tag!”

  1. on 12 Jun 2006 at 8:44 am Anonymous

    Awsome! sorry to hear that you are sick :( but I am Tivo’ing the event on ESPN2 so if i see you on TV i’ll save the recording :)


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