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last night, christina and i went to the middle east here in cambridge and learned that the architecture in helsinki are disingenuous folk. they are neither from finland nor are they a particular style of building. and, their laid-back, lullaby-like recordings totally belie the energy of their live shows: watching the architecture in helsinki is like observing subatomic particles fly around and collide in a musical nuclear reaction. the 6 or 7 band members constantly fell down, traded instruments, and bounced off one another for over an hour. think energizer bunnies, after doing a hit of speed; it was exhausting to watch.

fortunately, all that energy gets converted into a terrific amount of crowd enthusiasm. chris and i had a great time — we’re super-glad we dragged ourselves out to see an 11PM set on a thursday night. [getting too old to stay up late on weekdays!]

architecture in helsinki, middle east

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