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stata rain

it’s about 4pm on a tuesday and i’m ensconced in a glass atrium 5 stories about the street.  in front of me is a 60 foot high wall of glass, unbroken by frame or girder.  beyond that, a shrine to architecture is the horizon.

due to it now being summer vacation at MIT, and this atrium being behind a maze of locked doors and elevators, it’s just me in here.

i’m doing science on my laptop and there’s an epic thunderstorm going on about 3 inches of plate glass away.  i hope the lightning comes closer, since i can see so much sky out of these windows.  i crane my ahead all the way back to see drops of rain begin their long meandering journey down the plate glass and to my desk.

this is bliss.

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3 Responses to “bliss”

  1. on 28 May 2008 at 1:53 pm Andrew Louie

    Looks like someone dropped a roll of toilet paper across the street… and punched windows in it =P

  2. on 29 May 2008 at 11:40 pm Lawrence David

    if you ever see the documentary “sketches of frank gehry,” you’ll see that that is indeed how he works. watching his design process is simultaneously awe-inspiring and terrifying.

  3. on 29 May 2008 at 11:44 pm Andrew Louie

    Interestingly enough, Right across the street from my gym is a frank gehry building, the IAC building on 18th and 9a. It looks like someone took a regular building, but twisted it 90 degrees. I always seem to find my self staring at it every time I walk by the building…

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