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Archive for the 'geekery' Category

manhattan stone-henge

i yoinked this from the new york times. new yorkers who like taking photos should definitely get outside this sunday and on july 13th! Q. I’ve heard about a “Manhattan solstice,” when the sun supposedly lines up along the streets. Is it for real? When does it happen? A. Here’s the lowdown on the sundown, […]

sadly, it looks like we won’t be buying a house after all this summer. everything just didn’t come together, which is too bad, since christina and i were both excited to have our own place. fortunately, things probably worked out for the best. one of the reasons for my sanguine outlook is that we’ll have […]

what an amazing door

this is the entrance to the new apple store on 5th ave, across from the plaza and right in front of the fao schwartz. i don’t think i’ve ever come across such a unique door. it’s encased in a giant glass cube – you step through the door and descend a glass spiral staircase down […]

my powerbook has been awfully pokey lately. at first, i thought it might have something to do with my limited available hard drive space (~ 5 gigs free … my mp3 library is getting out of hand). i tried deleting unneccesary files and running optimization utilities like onyx. this evening, i decided to try and […]

i got a kick out of this clever solution to evacuating people from skyscraper fires. i particularly like how these elevators are collapsible, allowing for several of them to be used simultaneously.

apologies for server being inaccessible. verizon dsl blows like a vacuum. alas, no other ISP is nearly as affordable …

about a week ago, a couple of mit kids pulled the first spectacular hack i’ve seen during my short tenure here. the kids sacrificed their spring break to travel to caltech (which shares a pranking rivalry with mit) to “appropriate” this: it’s a 3-ton cannon that’s been a fixture on the caltech campus for decades. […]


found this on digg today. it’s called ajaxwrite – it’s an online text editor that looks a lot like a stripped down ms word. ajaxwrite is, not surprisingly, written in ajax, a language i’ve been hearing a lot of hype about lately. perhaps the hype is justified though; ajaxwrite is really really fast + smooth. […]


andrew sent me a link to this fantastic dragonforce video the other day. in case you haven’t heard of dragonforce, they’re a british “power metal” band who’ve been trapped in the early eighties. they put on quite the spectacle – i had no idea anyone c0uld play an electric guitar as fast as these guys […]


heh, i learned from my server logs today that my blog is currently the top hit for the google search: stupid boston. christina is delighted.

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