create a double dictionary in python
April 17th, 2006 by Lawrence David
to create a double dictionary in python, the following won’t work:
>>> x = dict()
>>> x[1][1] = “foo”
instead, you need only one set of brackets:
>>> x = dict()
>>> x = [1,1] = “foo”
That’s actually not a nested dictionary you’re making there, you’re just using a tuple for its key:
>>> d = {}
>>> d['key'] = ‘some value’
>>> d['a','b'] = ‘nested?’
>>> d
{(‘a’, ‘b’): ‘nested?’, ‘key’: ‘some value’}
If you want a dictionary inside a dictionary (which it seems is what you want), go about it like this:
>>> d['nest'] = {}
>>> d['nest']['key'] = ‘value’
>>> d
{(‘a’, ‘b’): ‘nested?’, ‘nest’: {‘key’: ‘value’}, ‘key’: ‘some value’}
or, if you want to assign to a nested dictionary you’re not sure already exists:
>>> d.setdefault(‘new key’, {})['level2'] = ‘auto_nest’
>>> d
{(‘a’, ‘b’): ‘nested?’, ‘new key’: {‘level2′: ‘auto_nest’}, ‘nest’: {‘key’: ‘value’}, ‘key’: ‘some value’}
Just because I searched like an idiot after adding as many dictionarys inside dictionarys as I wanted depending on how many objects was inside a List I’ll add that here since it’s fairly relevant. Hopefully someone will find it through google and will have some use of it =D
This post was very helpful though in how I could achieve it.
this is how it is done:
for list in listOfPasses:
completeList[i] = {listOfPasses[i] : {} }
completeList[listOfPasses[i]] = {“key” : “value”}
i = i + 1
pretty simplified though, I also use list to set values and so on in passes, since this is done within maya to set attributes to renderman passes outside maya through a .conf file.
Here was an easy way that i done it.
list1 = []
dict1 = {}
dict1["key1"] = “value1″
dict2 = {}
dict2["key2"] = “value2″
# Retrieve the Dictionary’s #
listdict1 = list1[0]
listdict2 = list1[1]
print “This is the first dict” , listdict1
print “Here is the second dict” , listdict2
P.S. I found this site trying to figure out how to do it. Haha
Why not simply something like
queue_params = ['queue','sndQueueSize','outQueueSize']
countable_params = ['hangUps','estRetries']
keys = queue_params + countable_params
p_init = { ‘msg’:”", ‘count’: { ‘old’:0,’new’:0 } }
params = dict.fromkeys(keys, p_init)
Or am I barking up the wrong tree?