spell-check keyboard shortcut in emacs
September 21st, 2006 by Lawrence David
you can spell check in emacs with the command:
$ M-x ispell-buffer
however, that’s not very convenient to do over and over; to create a shortcut to the spell-checker, add the following to your .emacs file:
(global-set-key “\C-c” ‘ispell-buffer)
when you restart emacs, you’ll find that pressing ctrl-c will instantly pull up the spellchecker.
Hi Lawrence,
I found this didn’t work unless it was written as follows:
(global-set-key (kbd “\C-c s”) ‘ispell-buffer)
e.g. with the extra (kbd ) brackets.
Also, I would perhaps suggest against binding that command to Ctrl-c, since it limits the number of bindings you can potentially make. Many people choose to bind functions to Ctrl-c , since it allows for a wider range of key bindings.