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i’ve embedded my phpicalendar page inside of my wordpress template.

to do this, all i had to do was copy the code i found in my wordpress header: (wp-content/themes/mytheme/header.php) into my phpicalendar header: (phpicalendar-2.1/templates/mytemplate/header.tpl).

[update]: ok, to be more specific, first backup your phpicalendar header.tpl file. now, replace all the text before the “body” line in your header.tpl file with the entirety of your wordpress header.php file.

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4 Responses to “how to integrate phpicalendar and wordpress”

  1. on 09 Jul 2007 at 12:25 pm Carol


    I am trying to embed my phpicalendar page into my wordpress site. I have tried copying/pasting my wp header file into my phpical header file, but it just gives me a blank white page. I’m not sure I am putting everything in the right place. You said, “…replace all the text before the line in you header.tpl file…” What line are you referring to? Where, exactly, in my phpical header file do I put all of the text from my WP header file? Thank you SO much for any help! I really appreciate it.

  2. on 12 Jul 2008 at 2:28 pm Stephan


    GREAT webpage!

    Took inspiration and attempted to install phpicalendar. Downloaded it. Moved folder “phpicalendar” into “htdocs” (this is where my WP resides currently. I am testing my newly to develop site on my MAC using MAMP). Modified header as you described.
    I tried to start via
    “http://localhost:8080/phpcalendar”. Result” BLANK screen.
    Seems similar to Carol’s problem.
    Would very much appreciate advice!



  3. on 19 Aug 2008 at 9:50 pm Lawrence David

    hi stephan,

    did you ever get phpcalendar working? also, i’m getting my phd in biology; i hope your conservation efforts are going well!

  4. on 16 Sep 2008 at 6:25 pm Asia

    hi – I’ve been trying your trick to get phpicalendar to show up in my wordpress page, but it just ends up showing me a blank screen. Do you have any additional instructions?

Did I get this wrong? Let me know!

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