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i had always been irked by how easy it was to make figures in matlab, but how crummy they looked when saved.  i felt slightly embarrassed handing in such ugly figures for my homework; a journal editor would be seized with anaphylactic shock if i tried submitting matlab figures.

i’ve finally stumbled upon the solution, however: the eps level-2 file format.  try saving your figures like such:


prepare to be amazed. figures fonts no longer make you want to put out your own eyes; diagonal lines show no evidence of pixelation, even when you’re zoomed in.

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4 Responses to “make high-quality, publication-level figures in matlab”

  1. on 01 Oct 2008 at 8:15 am Tom

    Indeed saving it as a vector format will do the trick, but if a Matlab figure contains too many items it “magically” transforms into a bitmap again.

    Be aware.

  2. on 13 Oct 2008 at 7:00 pm Papa

    Pls, how can i insert a figure in MATLAB. That is inserting a graph into another

  3. on 28 Jan 2009 at 8:42 pm Ilana

    Also, here is a matlab script that lets you put latexed text into your figures, creates an eps, and then it all compiles together when you latex your document. Worked great for me.


  4. on 17 Feb 2011 at 1:18 am Daniel Cuneo

    print -depsc filename.eps does the same thing…

    I found myself browsing though your tricks again…recalling that my latest MATLAB plot looked awful, I tried the saveas
    function, then remembered the one I used to use…


Did I get this wrong? Let me know!

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