use linear algebra to fit a line in matlab
October 16th, 2007 by Lawrence David
let’s say you’ve got 2 vectors (x,y) who are linearly related according to the relation: y = mx + b. you’d like to use matlab to find m and b.
this can be done with one line of linear algebra in matlab.
first, consider the equation y = mx + b: you can imagine rewriting this in linear algebra as [X_i 1_i]*[m b] = y_i, where _i denotes a vector with i items. If we let A = [m b], r = [X 1], and s = y, we have the familiar linear algebra form: Ar = s. To solve, all we need is A = r^-1*s.
In matlab-speak:
>> A = pinv([x ones(size(x))])*y
[note that since r is usually not square, we need to use matlab's pseudo-inverse function.]

It is even simpler to construct a least-squares fit using MATLAB’s backslash operator, ‘\’. See, for instance:
Linear Regression in MATLAB
Also: Alternatives to the least-squares fit may be of interest, such as the least absolute errors (also called “L-1″) fit:
L-1 Linear Regression
-Will Dwinnell